Are you looking for your Jewish roots in Krasyliv?

- “Can you tell me about my family? Find information or any records?”
- “Can you take a picture of the Jewish cemetery? Are there any tombstones in Krasyliv?”
This is not the first time people have asked such questions and they all sound the same.
Descendants of Krasyliv Jews living abroad are trying to find their roots, pedigrees and surnames. This is right and noble. Because you can’t forget your roots.
But the answer to all their questions sounds about the same:
- There are no more Jewish cemeteries in Krasyliv.
- There are no tombstones. There is only one tombstone left.
- Jewish cemeteries were completely destroyed – in one cemetery in the Soviet period built high-rise buildings, and in another made fields for agricultural use.
- There are no old houses left in Krasyliv.
- There are no archives in Krasyliv about Jewish residents – dates of birth, residence, surnames.
- You can find some information about the names of people who lived in Krasyliv in the late Soviet period.
- Earlier information, and even more information about families should be sought in the archives of regional centers of Ukraine, such as the Khmelnytsky archive (this is the former Kamyanets-Podilsky archive, which was partially burned and much archival data was lost).
During the coronavirus, and especially now during the war, access to the Khmelnytsky archive is limited. Last year, I contacted people working with the archives to help some people find their Jewish roots in Krasyliv. However, we could not do that. And there is no great hope that you will find something in the Khmelnytsky archive.
But before you start searching the archives, take a look at the list of resources below. People from different countries have joined forces to find as much information as possible about the Jewish community in the Krasyliv district. Pay attention to the lists of families. Maybe your family is on the lists?
List of sources
List of sources where you can find out about your roots and surnames of families who lived in Krasyliv district:
Language Ukrainian and Russian:
- The life and fate of the Jews of Krasilov
- The life and fate of the Jews of Kuzmin
- The life and fate of the Jews of Kulchiniv
- Manivtsi and mass graves
- Vajner Arkadij Petrovich – former prisoner of the ghetto in the village of Kulchiny. He survived the Holocaust and World War II.
- Gruber (Shehtman) Faina – she is Jewish, originally from the village of Kuzmin. Prisoner of the Jewish ghetto in Krasilov. She survived the Holocaust and World War II. Miraculously escaped from the execution pit.
- Tenzer Basya – she is a prisoner of the Jewish ghetto in Krasilov. She was among the executed prisoners of the Krasilovsky ghetto. Having fallen into a hole (the bullet did not touch her), she managed to get out and return to life. Her children, her entire family and her countrymen perished before her eyes. Was in a partisan detachment. She survived the Holocaust and World War II. After the war, she testified in the post-war trials of the policemen (Ukrainian Auxiliary Police). She indicated the exact places of mass executions in the village of Manevtsy.
- Righteous Among the Nations
- Book of Sorrows of Ukraine. Krasyliv district. Chapter 1
- Book of Sorrows of Ukraine. Krasyliv district. Chapter 2
- The Book of Records of the Jews of the Krasilovsky Society of the Starokonstantinovsky District for 1896
- World War I Jewish Servicemen from Volhynia (PDF). List of persons of the Jewish religion, consisting of various positions in Government departments and institutions and public organizations serving the army of the front, indicating positions held and relation to military service in Volynskaya Guberniya.
English language:
- Site “” – articles in English
- 1850 Krasilov Main Census
- 1850 Kuzmin Main Census
- 1862-1863 Supplemental Revision Lists Index for Krasilov, Kuzmin and Starokonstantinov
- Newspaper “Volynskiye Gubernskiye Viedomosti” July 1875, N50, and September 1875, N67Krasilov and other nearby towns 1854 births
- Krasilov Book of the Dead 1896
- Starokonstantinov Birth Records 1866 – 1916
- Starokonstantinov Uezd Duma Voter Lists 1906, 1907 and 1912
- 1917 Letter Requesting a School for Krasilov
- WWI Soldiers from Krasilov, Kuzmin, and Starokonstantinov
- Krasilov Families at the turn of the 20th Century
- Krasilov Emigrants from the Ellis Island Database (EIDB) and other sources
- Starokonstantinov Emigrants from the Ellis Island Database (EIDB) and other sources
- Krasilov, and Starokonstantinov data from the Kremenets Web Site
- DNA testing for people with families known to have lived in or around Krasilov
- Chevra Tiferes Israel Anshei Krasilov
- Krasilov Family Stories and Pictures
- The Central Database of Shoah Victims’ Names – Krasyliv, 837 results

Historical Information, Krasilov Families, Krasilov Emigrants, Krasilov Families Stories & Pictures.
Krasyliv –
Kulchiny –
Social media
Jewish Krasilov – Facebook group
This page will be updated as information becomes available. If you find interesting information and can share it, write me an e-mail. I will be very grateful to you. Stay tuned for updates!